For the fourth time, we have partnered with Place North West to survey property and construction professionals across the North West.
The Vertical Salary Review, which was completed by 637 property professionals in 2019, will explore current careers, salaries, opportunities and perceptions. It will also provide insight into the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic which has significantly impacted the commercial and retail sectors.
The 2019 survey painted an optimistic picture of the industry, with 70% of participants reporting they were satisfied with their jobs. Planning recruitment was a major growth area for the industry, reporting the largest salary increase of 12.5%. The top three industry challenges at that time were economic uncertainty, skills shortage and Brexit.
Flexible working was high on the agenda in 2019, with increased demand from employees resulting in flexible working initiatives implemented across the industry. We will be interested to see how the pandemic has exacerbated this change, as many employees transitioned to permanent remote working.
Only 25% of respondents in 2019 were female; this was fairly reflective of our industry at the time and many of our clients committed to addressing this in their recruitment and retention strategies. We are interested to see if this has led to an increase in women in property roles.
This year, we have added Fire Engineering to the list of survey disciplines. This is a growing and important sector which we look forward to gaining more insight into.
The Vertical Salary Survey has fast become a regular event in the North West property calendar and is recognised for its accurate and thorough insight. By taking part in the survey you will receive early access to the findings which has previously proven to be a useful and insightful tool for our clients and candidates.
You will also be entered into a draw to win a pass to all Place North West events (in-person and online, including Place Party) for one year.
Complete the survey here.